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     Men With A Mission began in 1998,  as  a  result  of  a  growing burden on the heart of Evangelist Dave Kistler. It was his desire to see  a  Biblically  sound,  yet  dynamically  exciting  men’s  ministry that met the needs of men in the 21st century.  As a result of his travels across the United States and numerous foreign countries, Brother Kistler has met many dedicated  Christian men, who are dynamic in their testimony, and are serving God faithfully through their own local church.

     It is the desire of Evangelist Kistler to utilize the testimonies of these businessmen to impact the lives of other men, who are striving to live for God in a hostile world.  In  the  last four years, speakers have included Congressman J.C Watts of Oklahoma, veteran FBI Agent Niles Light,  F-15  Fighter  Pilot  Stu  Johnson,  and  a host of other outstanding Christian laymen. Unlike other men’s ministries, who use preachers  as the primary speakers, Men With A Mission is dedicated to placing in front of men, dedicated laymen, who understand the struggles and victories of men who work in today’s world.

     Men With A Mission conferences are a fast paced two-day event, which always begins with a Friday evening program that is geared for  the  entire  community.  Past  Friday  night  programs have ranged from a string patriotic program entitled “From Sea To Shinning Sea”, to a heart wrenching portrayal of the life of slain Columbine student Cassie  Bernall  called  “Crossroads  At Columbine.” The Friday night segment is free, and is open to all ages.  The  Saturday portion of the conference is designed for “men only” and seeks to help both  old  and  young  men  be  better  husbands,  fathers, and leaders in their home and church. Men With a Mission currently does two conferences a year, one on the west coast in Portland, Oregon, and one on the east coast in Hickory, North Carolina. Each of these conferences draws hundreds of men, who may come heavy of heart, but leave  refreshed,  revived  and  equipped  with  resources  to  better serve our Wonderful Savior, Jesus Christ. In the future, Men With A Mission desires to add additional conferences in other parts of the United States, as well as overseas.

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